Marme and E and WC

I love you to the moon and back again…

Celebrating 8 Years of Laughs

on March 5, 2022

WC turned 8 this past week. This boy loves life. He embraces every single moment like it’s the happiest moment of all. If only we could all see the world the way WC sees it. If only.

He wakes up happy. He goes to bed happy. His emotions are out there and open for the world to see. He’s not afraid to be silly, to laugh at just about anything, or even cry when something makes him sad. Somebody forgot to tell him to care about what other people think. He is oblivious to judging in any form. If he likes it, he likes it. He doesn’t care if you don’t or you think it’s silly. He doesn’t care if he enjoys a cartoon for 4 year olds or if someone thinks his toys are for little kids. He embraces all the joy that life offers him and isn’t ashamed to tell you so.

This is a child that hasn’t had an easy 8 years. When he was a baby, he woke up crying every morning for no apparent reason. He just cried. It baffled us at the time and we wondered if he was simply unhappy or voicing his emotions in the only way he knew how. He had trouble swallowing and had to go to food therapy. He had trouble with his speech and had to go to speech therapy. He’s struggled in school paying attention and he’s being tutored to help with that. How on earth, could a child with these struggles, be so happy? But he is.

He’s the first to volunteer for anything. He loves being in front of an audience. He thrives on it. He has no fear of approaching other kids to play. It would never occur to him to be shy about it. I envy that about him. It has to be the fact that he’s secure in who he is and simply does what makes him happy.

He worships his older brother and he loves his Marme and PopPop. If I ever need a hug, he’s there for me. If I ever want to laugh, he’s got it covered. I think God put him in my life because I tend to be a realist. The things that come out of his mouth astound me. He is wise beyond his years and he doesn’t even know it.

Lately, he’s been obcessed with Encanto. I have to admit, I’m tired of hearing about Bruno. But, when he says EnCANto it cracks me up. He puts the Spanish accent on the word perfectly and you can’t help but smile.

I can’t wait to see what God has planned for this little guy. I know he’s going to spend his life making people smile, just like his great grandmother!

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